Aug 26, 2021
Biases in the Wild
Are we aware of our own biases? This is a question I ask myself every day, because I know that as much as I want them not to be there-...
Aug 19, 2021
Stronger together
The power of connection and community partnership in relation to non-profits Collaboration between agencies and non-profit organizations...
Aug 5, 2021
Emigrating and adapting, from my limited perspective
It's not a secret to anyone that emigrating, in any shape it takes for you- it's hard. You leave behind what you know, and step into a...
Jul 29, 2021
The problem with being "Color Blind"
I don't like when people tell me they are "color blind". I get a bad taste in my mouth, every time. Race is one of those topics in this...
Jul 22, 2021
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Giving people the tools to discuss difficult topics with others The National Parent-Teacher Association has created a series of very...
Jul 8, 2021
Talking about race, easier
Stanford University's online toolkit, designed to make talking about race and what it means, a lot easier Yesterday, while doing some...
Jul 1, 2021
Employment and diversity
When being different is seen as a problem and not something to learn new things from, we all lose It's not a secret for anyone that...
Jun 24, 2021
Why do humans crave connection? why is it so important for us to relate to one another? These questions have baffled humans since before...
Jun 10, 2021
United we stand?
We need to learn to work together, utilizing our individual strengths and points of view as a diverse group of people, to make a better...
Jun 3, 2021
The "R" word
Talking about race with your friends and family Everybody knows that it is a lot easier to talk to strangers about their behavior, than...